发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-23 22:46
热心网友 时间:2024-10-28 11:08
在介绍食堂基本情况前,首先需要了解meal plan的相关信息。
已选宿舍的同学会发现,住宿费用包括food plus和meal plan两部分。food plus可用于校内各vending machine和南校goldstein等地方,充值方式详见myslice>meal plan>self-service。以下是2019-2020学年meal plan的几种方案及金额:
Meal Plan Rate (per semester) FOOD funds included (per semester) Guest Meals Included (per semester)
Premium Meal Plan (21 Meals) $4635 $685 26
Deluxe Meal Plan (21 Meals) $4185 $255 24
19 Meal Plan $4000 $205 18
14 Meal Plan $3720 $200 15
10 Meal Plan $3180 $165 9
7 Meal Plan $20 $330 6
5 Meal Plan $2070 $405 5
SUperfood Plan $1015 $1015 0
SUperfood One Plan $3720 $3720 0
SUperfood Two Plan $20 $20 0
SUperfood Three Plan $2070 $2070 0
Meal Plan使用方法
1. 刷卡
Meal plan的基本功能。拥有meal plan的同学,进入食堂只需在工作人员帮助下刷一下su id即可。如有带其他高年级没有meal plan的朋友用餐,则刷自己的guest meal,每人一次。
2. Foodplus
高年级没有meal plan的同学,也可自行充值food plus。需要注意的是,秋季充入的钱可以带到春季学期使用,但春季学期卡内未用完的food plus将自动作废。
§ Residential Dining Centers
§ Schine and Goldstein Dining
§ Kimmel and Brockway Food Courts
§ Goldstein Alumni and Faculty Center Restaurant
§ University Food Services Cafes
§ University C-Stores
§ Carrier Dome Concessions
§ Vending Machines
§ Tapingo Delivery
***常见问题:没有meal plan的情况下能去食堂吃饭吗?
Dinning Courts 简介
住在ernie davis的同学,一定要尝试该校独有的pho。以下为各食堂名称介绍,顺序不分先后:
(注:节假日时期食堂开放时间会有变动,放假期间通常只开放ernie davis)
Brockway Dining Center
Brockway is located within the Boland/Brewster/Brockway complex。
Graham Dining Center
Graham is located on Mount Olympus and is connected to Day and Flint Hall。
Ernie Davis Dining Center
Ernie Davis is located within Ernie Davis Hall and is the University’s largest dining center
Sadler Dining Center
Sadler is located within Sadler Hall and is connected to Lawrinson Hall via a basement tunnel
Shaw Dining Center
Shaw is located within Shaw Hall and serves Kosher and Halal meals for both lunch and dinner
Goldstein Dining
Located within the Goldstein Student Center. Skyhall residents are able to use their meal plan as an equivalency with choices similar to those found in the North Campus dining centers.
这是一所不使用meal plan而使用foodplus和信用卡现金的食堂。其中包括汉堡王、tomato wheels(披萨)、fresh冻酸奶等深受大家喜爱的小店,也有自己的小超市可以买到一些生活必备的用品(卫生纸、牛奶鸡蛋、面包水果等)