

2022-05-04 来源:划驼旅游

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、For Froehlich, the "right to hang" is the embodiment of the American tradition of freedom.(对Froehlich而言,“晾晒权”是美国的自由传统的体现。)

2、It was as if the garden had become a sort of embodiment of the domestic dreams forever intrinsic to human consciousness.(整座花园仿佛就是人类意识里的梦中庭院变成了现实。)

3、This spirit of dedication requires faith. Selfless hard work is an embodiment of responsibility and strength.(奉献精神要求人们拥有信念,忘我的工作是责任和力量的化身。)

4、There is some residual identity left over that can still have a sense of embodiment.(剩下的一些代词还可以,代表某些事物。)

5、He ultimately convinced them to join him by suggesting that the elephant was in fact an embodiment of Lord Ganesha.(谢卡瓦特向他们暗示大象实际上是格涅沙神的化身,从而最终说服他们加入。)

6、He is the embodiment of the young successful businessman.(他是成功青年企业家的典型。)

7、A baby is the embodiment of vulnerability.(婴儿是脆弱的化身。)

8、Greeting CARDS are the embodiment of impersonal feelings.(贺卡是客观而非个人感受的体现。)

9、Pros: the embodiment of the ultimate childhood fantasy.(赞成:儿童神话的终极化身。)

10、This is very different from Nabokov's idea of embodiment as a kind of alternate or rival creativity.(这和Nabokov的想法迥然不同,他讲具体化视为一种替代物或者是竞争的创造性。)

11、Einstein's. God was no clockmaker, but the embodiment of reason in nature.(爱因斯坦的上帝不是钟表匠而是自然定律的化身。)

12、Emily Browning is the embodiment of contradiction.(艾米丽·布朗宁本身就是一个矛盾体。)

13、In attacking Cephalus as he does, Socrates attacks the embodiment of conventional opinion, the Nomos supporting the city.(在攻击,Cephalus,时,苏格拉底,主攻惯例观点的体现,那些支撑起城邦的习俗。)

14、The Wall Street Journal is different. It is the very embodiment of the highest journalistic standards.(《华尔街日报》则不同。)

15、Software is intangible. It is the embodiment of an idea.(软件是无形资产,他是思想的具体化。)

16、The additional protocol is the embodiment of those lessons.(附加议定书是汲取这些教训的体现。)

17、Since his "action" is in the past, the photograph is its sole embodiment.(由于他的“举动”发生在过去,所以照片是其行动的唯一体现。)

18、In this embodiment, the dictionary data is stored on the computer hard disk as a file.(对于基于文件的dictionary,dictionary数据以文件形式存储在计算机硬盘中。)

19、Figure 2 illustrates one embodiment of this model.(图2展示了这个模型的示例。)

20、The Royal Society was the embodiment of this philosophy.(皇家学会体现了这一哲学观点。)

21、Urbane, brainy and funny, he seemed the embodiment of Poland’s hoped-for future.(他举止得体、智慧过人且幽默风趣,这种种的优点也让他几乎成了波兰梦想的未来的化身。)

22、"We do not think this should be used for cosmetic enhancement," Kodish said. "the face is the embodiment of personal identity."(“我们认为这不该用于整容”柯蒂斯说,“脸部是个人身份的体现。”)

23、The word "corporation" comes from the Latin corpus meaning body, so it's an embodiment.(公司“这个词来自于拉丁文corpus,意思是身体,所以法人是种化身。”)

24、Pros: the embodiment of the ultimate childhood fantasy. He has fantastic supporting characters.(赞成:儿童神话的终极化身。他有着惊异非常的人物性格。)

25、Evolving your idea is the embodiment of understanding your users.(让你的想法自己进化,这正是理解你的用户的现实体现。)

26、He has been described as the creature and embodiment of the age of chivalry.(他被描述为骑士时代的产物和化身。)

27、If there is a French exception, Mr Chirac is its embodiment.(如果说,存在一个法国例外,希拉克就是其体现。)

28、Lincoln was self-made in the more conventional sense—a walking, talking embodiment of the frontier myth made good.(林肯是一个更为传统意义上的自我奋斗者——一个神话般的成功开拓者的活生生的体现。)

29、our mothers told us that lying is a bad thing; what we now call transparency is merely the embodiment of that advice.(妈妈告诉我们,撒谎是个坏习惯,我们称作的透明度只是那个忠告的演绎。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


